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Mauritania is located in the northwest of Africa between northern latitude 15 to 27 degrees with an area of 1.0307 million square kilometers. Mauritania is adjacent to the Atlantic Ocean in the west and borders Western Sicara and Algeria in the west, neighbors Mali in the southeast, and faces Senegal in the south. It has a tropical desert climate, and the whole territory is flat. Two thirds of its territory is desert.

Mauritania became a "semi-autonomous republic" in 1956; joined the "French Community" in September 1958, and in November of the very same year the "Islamic Republic of Mauritania" was established. Mauritania implements parliamentary system. Its parliament implements a bicameral system with the Senate and the House of Reprensentatives, the President is the head of the country, and the ministerial meeting is the highest executive authority as well as the highest administrative organ.

Mauritanians generally welcome the guests, with the "Roast Whole Lamb" as the utmost cordiality.
